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Monday, November 20, 2006

Why did I leave my last Job?

There was a reason why I left my last job. But before that I should mention the details you need to know about me.

Company where I worked: WDC, Sector V, Kolkata
I worked there for: 1 and 1/2 years
Working as a: Lotus Notes Application Developer.
Salary: very low
Reason for leaving:
1. I had my Part I MBA Exams at IISWBM, Kolkata in the middle of 2006 and so I had applied for leave from my office. My application for leave was rejected. So I had to deliberately resign from my job so that I can peacefully appear for my Exams.
2. Low salary
3. My boss in office suffered from an ego (inferiority complex) problem. He saw that I am a B.Tech as well as MBA and he is just a n ordinary graduate. This ate him up the whole day and I could not see him suffering. (read as I could not tolerate him)

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