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Saturday, November 25, 2006

I've broken my own record !

I have broken my own record. I have watched 3 films in a week in a cinema hall or theatre . Yes this is a record for me! My last record was one film in a week. But this week (from 19-11-2006 till 25-11-2006) I have broken my own record.

Let me list the films I had seen: -

19-11-2006 - Don - The Film - starring SRK (at Paradise)
20-11-2006 - Lagey Raho Munnabhai - the greatest comedy of 2006 (at Chaplin)
23-11-2006 - Casino Royale - the 2006 James Bond film (at Globe)

Isn't it a great acheivement for someone who saw only 2 films in the year 2005 in cinema hall and only these 3 films (mentioned above) in the year 2006.

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